December 2020 TBR List

I cannot believe it's already December! We're wrapping up the year already? It all feels like a weird fever dream but here we are, the final stretch! The holidays are also upon us and for me that also means many birthdays and preparing for my 6 year anniversary with my boyfriend! It's a magical and snowy time of year and as much as I want to sleep all day I am often kept on my toes. Enough of my rambling though, let's finally get into my tbr list!


Midnight Sun

By Stephanie Meyer

The last time I read any books from the Twilight series I was in the 5th grade being made fun of for "liking vampires". Then the movie came out and everyone swooned. As the outcast kid I vowed to not associate with the series ever again (I was very bitter that everyone was all about #TeamEdward and #TeamJacob when clearly the real team was #TeamAlice lol). That all changed when Midnight Sun came out. This book is from Edward's perspective so it gives an entirely new view of the series. I have a soft spot and the Twilight books were the last books my grandpa gave to me when he was still around so I bought the book on release day and said I'd read it for the two of us. Well it's been a few months and I'm about to be out of school so I have the time to tackle this chonky book.

Themes: Fantasy, Romance, Vampires

 Pages: 658



The People's Necromancer

By Rex Jameson

This book was a series my boyfriend found as a random ad and the books were on sale so I said why not! It reminded me a lot of DnD so I decided to give it a try. This was last year. I started it and NEVER finished it because I got into The Witcher series so I'm jumping back in! It's about forbidden magic and accidentally raising your best friend from the dead... we've all done it once or twice in our lives, it's a simple mistake! Right?

Themes: High Fantasy, Magic

 Pages: 236




A Court of Mist and Fury

By Sarah J Maas

In November I finally took the plunge and started the ACOTAR series! This is book two in that series and it is a THICC book! It's also very... steamy... so young readers beware! It's considered YA but just from what I've seen/heard so far I would consider this for adult eyes only. And I'll just say I'm very glad to spend a lot of time home alone so that I don't have to read/listen to this one in public or at work!

Themes: Romance, Fae, Fantasy

 Pages: 656



My goal for the month of December is to read 1,550 pages. Three books doesn't feel like a lot or even enough for me but I'm tackling some chonky books! And with the holidays I don't want to over stress myself. If I happen to read extra books, that's awesome! 😍 But no pressure. This is a time for healing and rest. 💛

Have you read any of these? What were your thoughts? What's on your TBR list to wrap up the year?

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